연락처(82) 052-217-2132
오피스제3공학관(106동) 401-7호
연구실 명무선 및 모바일 네트워킹 연구실
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WMNL(Wireless & Mobile Networking Laboratory)은 무선/유선 통신 네트워크를 위한 최첨단 기술을 연구하고 있으며, 5G/6G, WLAN, AI + networking, communications-computing convergence 등 다양한 분야를 다루고 있습니다. 또한, WMNL은 항상 혁신적이고 도전적이면서도 이론과 실제 사이의 균형이 잡힌 연구를 수행하고 있습니다.
특히, WMNL의 연구 주제들은 network optimization and scheduling, spectrum resource allocation, Quality-of-Service (QoS) and Quality-of-Experience (QoE) provisioning, EM analysis and modeling 등 다양한 영역에 걸쳐 있으며, 효과적이고 최선의 결과를 도출하기 위해 mathematical analysis and modeling, algorithm design, computer simulations, numerical analysis, experiments and measurement in real environments 등 여러가지의 접근법을 고려하고 있습니다.
[Curriculum Vitae]
● 2020-Present: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, UNIST
● 2020-2022: Dean of Academic Information Affairs, UNIST
● 2015-2020: Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNIST
● 2011-2015: Assistant Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNIST
● 2010-2011: Post-Doc Researcher, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (Hawthorne, NY)
● 2010: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering: Systems, The University of Michigan
● 2005: M.S. in Electrical Engineering: Systems, The University of Michigan
● 1999: B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea)
[Research Keywords and Topics]
● 5G/6G communications – URLLC, MEC, NR-U, 3D spatial communications, etc.
● AI-empowered networking – RAN-agnostic communications, mobile federated learning, etc.
● Next-generation WLAN – IEEE 802.11be (Wi-Fi 7), low-latency WLAN for XR, TSN over WLAN, etc.
● Next-generation mobility networking – V2X, Hyperloop communications, satellite/UAM communications, etc.
● Cognitive radio (CR) and dynamic spectrum access (DSA) technologies
[Publications (selected)]
● J. Kim, H. Kim*, and K.J. Han*, “Hyperloop Communications: Unveiling Electromagnetic Propagation in the Hyperloop Tube,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 17(3), pp.65-74, Sep. 2022.
● S. Wang, J. Huang, X. Zhang, H. Kim, and S. Dey, “X-Array: Approximating Omnidirectional Millimeter-Wave Coverage Using an Array of Phased Arrays,” in Proc. ACM MobiCom, Sep. 2020.
● S.-T. Hong and H. Kim*, “QoE-aware Computation Offloading to Capture Energy-Latency-Pricing Tradeoff in Mobile Clouds,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput. (TMC), 18(9), pp.2174-2189, Sep. 2019.
● H. Lee, H. Kim*, H.J. Yang, J.T. Kim, and S. Baek, “Performance Analysis of License Assisted Access LTE with Asymmetric Hidden Terminals,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput. (TMC), 17(9), pp.2141-2154, Sep. 2018.
[Awards/ Honors/ Memberships]
● Distinguished Member of the INFOCOM 2022 TPC, IEEE INFOCOM, 2022
● Best paper award, KICS Fall Conference, 2019
● Best paper award, ICTC, 2015
● IEEE ComSoc’s Best Readings in CR (IEEE TMC, May 2008), 2014
● The Spotlight paper of the issue (IEEE TMC, Nov. 2012), 2012
● IEEE, Senior member
● 한국통신학회(KICS), 상임이사