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Lab NameVisual Information Processing Lab.
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Visual Information Processing (VIP) Lab. is conducting research on Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Machine Learning, based on the background of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics. Research topics of VIP Lab. include image enhancement and restoration, object detection and recognition, large-scale 3D visual data processing, and multimedia data compression. Applications of research are visual intelligence systems, smart vehicles, mixed reality, and robot vision.
[Curriculum Vitae]
● 2021-Present: Dean, College of Information and Biotechnology, UNIST
● 2023-Present: Head, Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, UNIST
● 2021-Present: Director, UNIST AI Innovation Park
● 2009-Present: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, UNIST
● 2020-2021: Visiting Researcher, University of California San Diego
● 2018-2019: Acting Head, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNIST
● 2005-2009: Research Staff Member, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
● 2005: Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University
● 2001: M.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University
● 1999: B.S., Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University
[Research Keywords and Topics]
Image enhancement, image restoration, person search, object detection, large-scale 3D point clouds, deep learning
[Publications (selected)]
● Byeong-Ju Han and Jae-Young Sim*, “Zero-shot learning for reflection removal of single 360-degree image,” in Proc. ECCV, Oct. 2022.
● Byeong-Ju Han, Kuhyeun Ko and Jae-Young Sim*, “End-to-end trainable trident person search network using adaptive gradient propagation,” in Proc. IEEE ICCV, Oct. 2021.
● Jae-Seong Yun and Jae-Young Sim*, “Virtual point removal for large-scale 3D point clouds with multiple glass planes,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 729-744, Feb. 2021.
● Kyu-Yul Lee and Jae-Young Sim*, “Warping residual based image stitching for large parallax,” in Proc. IEEE CVPR, Jun. 2020.
● Byeong-Ju Han and Jae-Young Sim*, “Glass reflection removal using co-saliency based image alignment and low-rank matrix completion in gradient domain,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 4873-4888, Oct. 2018.
● Jae-Seong Yun and Jae-Young Sim*, “Reflection removal for large-scale 3D point clouds,” in Proc. IEEE CVPR, Jun. 2018.
[Awards/ Honors/ Memberships]
● Associate Editor, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021~present
● Education Model Research Award, UNIST, 2018
● Best Paper Award, The 29th Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding, 2017
● Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2005~present