Prof. Jaehyouk Choi, appointed as Korea Representative of ISSCC TPC Members
2018.05.17International Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC) is an international conference led by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest electrical and electronics engineering organization. It is held every February in San Francisco, USA. ISSCC, the world’s leading authority on semiconductor circuits and systems, is called the “Semiconductor Olympiad.” Since its inception in 1954, more than 4,000 semiconductor engineers from around the world have gathered every year to exchange information on the latest research results and discuss the future of the semiconductor industry.
The selection of papers to be presented at the conference and the formation of lectures and discussion programs are carried out in 11 technical program committees (TPCs). The members of the TPCs consist of researchers of academia and industry from various countries around the world, who are recognized with their scholarly achievements. A total of 17 TPC members are active in Korea, and seven from Samsung Electronics, the world’s top semiconductor design company, and two from SK Hynix. A total of six TPC members representing Korean academia are from Seoul National University, KAIST, POSTECH, Yonsei University, and UNIST. Professor Choi has started his career as a TPC member since 2017 and has been appointed as the country representative for Korea this year. For the next two years Prof. Choi will host the meetings of TPC members in Korea, press conference, etc., and will play a role in the continuous development of the society through meetings with country representatives from other countries.