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연구실 명나노광전자 연구실
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나노-광전자 연구실에서는 나노구조를 사용한 신개념의 광전소자를 실리콘 칩에 구현하는 연구를 수행합니다. 이론 연구를 통해 설계한 소자를 UNIST 클린룸에서 첨단 반도체 공정을 통해 직접 제작하고 측정합니다. 이렇게 제작된 소자는 초고속광통신, 라이다 칩, 의료진단용 칩, 양자칩 등 다양한 분야에 적용됩니다.
[Curriculum Vitae]
● 2018-present: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, UNIST
● 2011-2019: Associate Professor, Department of Photonics Engineering, TU Denmark
● 2009-2011: Assistant Professor, Department of Photonics Engineering, TU Denmark
● 2006-2008: Postdoc, Research Center COM, TU Denmark
● 2006: Ph.D. in Information and Communications (Optoelectronics), GIST
● 2000: MSc in Physics, KAIST
● 1997: MSc in Physics, KAIST
[Research Keywords and Topics]
Si-on-chip lasers, detectors, switches, and passives
All-on-one LiDAR chip
Bio-medical diagnosis photonic chip
On-chip light sources for quantum photonic IC
Fundamental nanophotonics
Advanced semiconductor processing technology
[Publications (selected)]
● I. C. Seo et al., “Fourier-plane investigation of plasmonic bound states in the continuum and molecular emission coupling,” Nanophotonics 9, 4565 (2020).
● A. Taghizadeh and I.-S. Chung* “Quasi bound states in the continuum with few unit cells of photonic crystal slab,” Applied Physics Letters 111, 031114 (2017)
● G. C. Park, W. Xue, M. Piels, D. Zibar, J. Moerk, E. Semenova, and I.-S. Chung* “Ultrahigh-speed Si-integrated on-chip laser with tailored dynamic characteristics,” Scientific Reports 6, 38801 (2016).
● G. C. Park, W. Xue, A. Taghizadeh, E. Semenova, K. Yvind, J. Moerk, and I.-S. Chung* “Hybrid vertical-cavity laser with lateral emission into a silicon waveguide,” Laser and Photonics Review 9, L11 (2015)
[Awards/ Honors/ Memberships]
● CLEO Pacific Rim 2024, TPC co-chair
● SPIE Photonics West 2013-2023, TPC
● OECC 2018, TPC
● ESLW 2017, Co-organizer
● IEEE Group IV Photonics 2017, TPC
● Judge for French and Polish national research grants in 2010-2016
● Challengeable Future Defense Technology R&D Program grant as PI (2022-2025): 5.0B KRW
● Samsung Future Research grant as PI (2018-2021)
● Innovation Fund Denmark grant as PI (2015-2019): 30M DKK (~5.3B KRW)