Author: openus
손흥민, 뉴캐슬 상대 시즌 4호 골
손흥민이 17일(현지시간) 영국 뉴캐슬의 세인트 제임스 파크에서 열린 2021-22 잉글랜드 프리미어리그(EPL) 8라운드 뉴캐슬과의 경기에 선발 출전해 경기하고 있다. 손흥민은 해리 케인의 도움으로 시즌 4호 골을 넣으며 팀의 3-2 승리를 이끌었다. 2021.10.18....
[Welcome] New faculty member
Prof. Myungsoo Kim has joined the department of EE as of the 25th of August. It is my great excitement to join UNIST as a faculty member. I gained my B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University in 2016. I received my M.S....
[Welcome] New faculty member
Prof. Jaejun Yoo has joined the department of EE as of 31st July. I am truly honored to join UNIST as a faculty member. My main research area lies at the intersection of computer vision, machine learning, and inverse problems, including natural image recovery and medical imaging. I...
[Welcome] New faculty member
Prof. Se-Un Shin has joined the department of EE as of Feb. 01, 2021. I am truly honored to join UNIST as a faculty member.I received the B.S. degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, in 2013, and the...
TEE Lab (Prof. EunMi Choi)’s paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations
UNIST EE THz Vacuum Electronics and Applied Electromagnetics Lab (TEE Lab)'s paper, "High-Directivity Orbital Angular Momentum Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communications", by UNIST EE research fellows Dr. Ingeun Lee and Ashwini Sawant supervised by Prof. EunMi Choi has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas...
[TI Korea] 겨울방학 인턴십 모집 (~12/22)
※ Texas Instruments Korea 겨울방학 인턴십 ※ ■서류전형: 2020.12.14 (월) ~ 2020.12.22(화) 자정까지 ■모집 대상: 전자·전기 전공 대학(원)생 (기졸업자 포함) ■서류 접수 URL: ...