Author: openus

손흥민, 뉴캐슬 상대 시즌 4호 골

손흥민이 17일(현지시간) 영국 뉴캐슬의 세인트 제임스 파크에서 열린 2021-22 잉글랜드 프리미어리그(EPL) 8라운드 뉴캐슬과의 경기에 선발 출전해 경기하고 있다. 손흥민은 해리 케인의 도움으로 시즌 4호 골을 넣으며 팀의 3-2 승리를 이끌었다. 2021.10.18....

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Myungsoo Kim has joined the department of EE as of the 25th of August. It is my great excitement to join UNIST as a faculty member. I gained my B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University in 2016. I received my M.S....

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Jaejun Yoo has joined the department of EE as of 31st July. I am truly honored to join UNIST as a faculty member. My main research area lies at the intersection of computer vision, machine learning, and inverse problems, including natural image recovery and medical imaging. I...

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Se-Un Shin has joined the department of EE as of Feb. 01, 2021. I am truly honored to join UNIST as a faculty member.I received the B.S. degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, in 2013, and the...

[TI Korea] 겨울방학 인턴십 모집 (~12/22)

※ Texas Instruments Korea 겨울방학 인턴십 ※ ■서류전형: 2020.12.14 (월) ~ 2020.12.22(화) 자정까지 ■모집 대상: 전자·전기 전공 대학(원)생 (기졸업자 포함) ■서류 접수 URL: ...