Author: openus

A paper from BIAS lab is accepted for presentation at ISSCC 2021

  A paper from BIAS lab (Prof. Seong-Jin Kim) has been accepted for presentation at IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) held in a virtual platform in Feb. 2021. The ISSCC is the most prestigious conference in semiconductor integrated circuits and systems and is also called “Semiconductor...

Prof. Hyoil Kim’s joint work with UCSD presented at ACM MobiCom 2020

Professor Hyoil Kim’s joint work with two UCSD professors, Xinyu Zhang and Sujit Dey, has been presented at ACM MobiCom 2020 (Sep. 21-25), one of the most prestigious international conferences in the field of mobile computing and networking (acceptance rate: 16%).  The paper proposed X-Array, an...

이재용 부총장, ‘옥조근정훈장’ 수훈!

  이재용 UNIST 교학 ‧ 연구부총장(전기전자공학과)이 ‘옥조근정훈장’을 받았다. UNIST는 27일(화) 오전 9시 30분 대학본부 6층 대회의실에서 근정훈장 전수식을 열고 이재용 부총장에게 근정훈장을 전달했다. 이재용 부총장은 교육자로 봉사하며 국민교육 발전에 이바지한 공로를 인정받아 훈장을 받게 됐다. 더불어 대한민국 정보통신분야 발전을 위해 헌신한 점도 높은 평가를 받았다. 이 부총장은 이공계 교육혁신을...

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Jinseok  Choi has joined the department of EE as of October. 19, 2020. I am truly honored to join UNIST as a faculty member. I received my B.S. degree in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and B.B.A. degree at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea in 2014. I received M.S....

A paper of CISSR group accepted to USENIX ATC 2020

UNIST 컴퓨터공학과 CISSR 연구진의 논문이 USENIX ATC 2020 국제학술대회에 ACCEPT되었다.   박재형 (UNIST 대학원생), 윤경찬 (UNIST 대학원생), 이창민 (UNIST 대학원생), Nguyen T. Nguyen (UNIST 대학원생), 이승민 (UNIST 대학원생), 최재식 교수님 (KAIST), 노삼혁 교수님 (UNIST), 최영리 교수님 (UNIST)은 “HetPipe: Enabling Large DNN Training on (Whimpy) Heterogeneous GPU Clusters...

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Seung Ryul Baek has joined the School of ECE (CSE Track) as of Apr.01, 2020. I am truly happy to join UNIST as the faculty member of the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My research interest generally lies in the field of computer vision and deep learning, especially on the...

ATL’s paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations

  Journal title: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations Condition: Accepted Article title: Geometry-Independent Excitation of Dark Modes Using Dipole Moment Transitions Authors: Thi Hai-Yen Nguyen, Hoon Yeub Jeong, Young Chul Jun, and Gangil Byun Abstract This article proposes a novel approach to adaptive transitions between different dipole moments to allow...