Author: openus

2015 Spring – 10th ECE Colloquium

The 10th ECE regular seminar for the 2015 spring semester is scheduled on Tue., May 26th. The details are given below. For inquiries related to the colloquium, contact Eunji Bak(#3607 /, the academic affair assistant for the School of ECE. *Students who take ECE Graduate Seminar...

2015 Spring – 9th ECE Colloquium

The 9th ECE regular seminar for the 2015 spring semester is scheduled on Tue., May 19th. The details are given below. For inquiries related to the colloquium, contact Eunji Bak(#3607 /, the academic affair assistant for the School of ECE. *Students who take ECE Graduate Seminar...

2015 Spring – ECE Special Seminar

A special (irregular) seminar is scheduled on FRI., May 15th, 2015 from 16:20 to 17:30, at classroom E 204, Engineering Building 1. Please refer to the below image for details. Contact Eunji Bak at the Administration Center-2 for further inquiries regarding the special seminar.  ...

2015 Spring – 8th ECE Colloquium

The 8th ECE regular seminar for the 2015 spring semester is scheduled on Tue., May 12th.  The details are given below. For inquiries related to the colloquium, contact Eunji Bak(#3607 /, the academic affair assistant for ECE. *Students who take ECE Graduate Seminar (Course No: ECE590)...

우수인재 복수국적제도

법무부에서는 우수 외국인재의 대학민국 국적취득을 적극 장려하기 위해 “우수인재 복수국적제도”를 시행중에 있으므로 자세한 사항은 아래 내용과 첨부된 안내문 확인하시기 바랍니다. 1. 제도 취지: 글로벌 우수인재 유치를 통한 성장 잠재력 확보 및 국가 경쟁력 강화 2. 관련법령 : 국적법 제7조 제1항 제3호 및 같은 법 제10조 제2항 제1호,제2호 3....

2015 Spring – 7th ECE Colloquium

The 7th ECE regular seminar for the 2015 spring semester is scheduled on Tue., April 28th. The details are given below. For inquiries related to the colloquium, contact Eunji Bak(#3607 /, the academic affair assistant for ECE. *Students who take ECE Graduate Seminar (Course No: ECE590) are...

삼성테크윈 2015 로봇 멤버십 선발 안내

삼성테크윈 2015 로봇 멤버십 선발 1. 신입회원 모집요강    □ 모집 대상 : 로봇 분야에 재능과 열정이 있는 국내 정규 4년제 대학생         (지원 기준 : 5명으로 구성된 팀으로 지원)    □ 접수 방법 : 이메일 온라인 접수 ( o 제출서류(자유양식) : 개발 제안서, 이력서, 지도교수 추천서 1부 o 상세안내 : 당사 홈페이지 →...

2015 Spring – 6th ECE Colloquium

The 6th ECE regular seminar for the 2015 spring semester is scheduled on Tue., April 14th. The details are given below. For inquiries related to the colloquium, contact Eunji Bak(#3607 /, the academic affair assistant for ECE. *Students who take ECE Graduate Seminar (Course No: ECE590)...