Author: openus

산업체 인턴십 보강 프로그램

연구인턴십만 3학점으로 이수한 학생은 산업체 인턴십 개정안에 따라 산업체 인턴십 보강 프로그램을 이수해야 합니다. 이와 관련하여 전기전자컴퓨터공학부에서는 명사 초청 특강에 참석한 학생에 대해 산업체 인턴십 보강 프로그램으로 인정합니다.   <명사(McKinsey 한국사무소 최원식 대표)초청 특강> 1. 강의주제 : 미정(글로벌 리더십과 McKinsey &Company 소개 관련 내용) 2. 일시 : 2012.09.06 (목) 11:00 3....

Multimodal image/motion analysis for moving organs

Abstract: Multimodal 3D/4D image/motion analysis for moving organs such as heart and tongue during the speech play an important role to provide a set of objective parameters to interpret quantitatively the motion and establish quantified comparisons. In this talk, I will present two recent and novel...

Beyond the Hill of Multicores lies the Valley of Accelerators

The power wall has resulted in a sharp turn in processor designs, and they irrevocably went multi-?core. Multi-?cores are good because they promise higher potential throughput (and never mind the actual performance of your applications). This is because the cores can be made simpler and...

2012년 하반기 기업채용설명회 참여기업 안내

2012하반기 취업관련 행사계획에 의거하여 아래와 같이 기업채용설명회를 실시합니다. 신청을 원하는 학생들은 양식을 작성하여 담당자에게 회신바랍니다. (취업지원관 박경용 217-1137, 1. 행사개요 가. 행사일정 : 2012.8.21(화)~10.19(금) 나. 행사장소 : 제1공학관 E 208강의실 / 제1공학관 로비 ※ 신청인원에 따라 강의실은 변경될 수 있음 다. 참여기업 : LG전자 등 약30개사 라. 신청대상 : 졸업예정자 및...

Motion and spatial regularization designs in motion-compensated image reconstruction

  Medical imaging has been an effective tool for diagnosing diseases including cancer and coronary artery disease, but there are still challenges such as reducing motion artifacts, minimizing toxic radiation dose, and reducing scanning time. These challenges reduce the SNR of the measurements. Model-based image reconstruction...

Cyber Physical Systems : A New Science for Convergence

Recently, the convergence of cyber and physical spaces has transformed traditional embedded systems into cyber physical systems (CPS), which are characterized by tight integration and coordination among computation and physical processes by networking. In CPS, various embedded devices with computational components are networked to monitor,...

User Association and Self Organizing Network for (Beyond) 4G Wireless Network

In this talk, we discuss a mechanism for self organizing network (SON) for (beyond) 4G wireless network. We propose a framework for user association in infrastructure-based wireless networks, specifically focused on flow-level cell load balancing under spatially inhomogeneous traffic distributions. Our work encompasses several different...