
생체-의료 영상 처리 연구실 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics In Signal Processing 논문 게재

유니스트 생체-의료 영상 처리 연구실(BMIPL) 석사과정 김관영 학생과 석사 졸업생인 Shakarim Soltanayev, 그리고 전세영 교수의 논문인 “Unsupervised Training Of Deep Low-Dose CT Reconstruction Without Full-Dose CT Images”가 세계적인 신호처리분야 저널인 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics In Signal Processing에 게재 예정입니다 (IF 6.688). 일반적으로 심층신경망 기반...

생체-의료 영상 처리 연구실 논문 ECCV 2020에서 Spotlight 발표로 선정 (top 5%)

유니스트 생체-의료 영상 처리 연구실(BMIPL) 박사과정 박동원 학생, 석사과정 강동운 학생, 석사 졸업생인 김지수 학생, 그리고 전세영 교수의 논문인 “Multi-Temporal Recurrent Neural Networks For Progressive Non-Uniform Single Image Deblurring With Incremental Temporal Training”이 세계적인 컴퓨터비전분야 학회인 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)에서 Spotlight 발표로 선정되었습니다....

A paper of CISSR group accepted to USENIX ATC 2020

UNIST 컴퓨터공학과 CISSR 연구진의 논문이 USENIX ATC 2020 국제학술대회에 ACCEPT되었다.   박재형 (UNIST 대학원생), 윤경찬 (UNIST 대학원생), 이창민 (UNIST 대학원생), Nguyen T. Nguyen (UNIST 대학원생), 이승민 (UNIST 대학원생), 최재식 교수님 (KAIST), 노삼혁 교수님 (UNIST), 최영리 교수님 (UNIST)은 “HetPipe: Enabling Large DNN Training on (Whimpy) Heterogeneous GPU Clusters...

“울산, 미래차 글로벌 선두로!”… UNIST 미래차 연구소 개소

UNIST와 울산광역시는 12일(화) 오후 2시 112동 I203호에서 미래차연구소 설립과 운영을 위한 업무협약을 체결하고, 신규 개소한 연구소의 현판식을 진행했다. 양 기관은 협약을 통해 UNIST 내 미래차 연구소를 설립하고, 글로벌 기술 경쟁력 확보를 위한 협력을 약속했다. 이를 위해 각 분야별 핵심 기초 ‧ 원천기술 연구개발과 성과 이전, 사업화를 추진하고, 체계적 협력을 위한 대내외 네트워크 구축과 인력양성 등에서도 손을 잡는다. UNIST가 주관해 운영하는 미래차연구소는, 울산테크노파크, 한국전자통신연구원(ETRI), 울산발전연구원과...

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Seung Ryul Baek has joined the School of ECE (CSE Track) as of Apr.01, 2020. I am truly happy to join UNIST as the faculty member of the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My research interest generally lies in the field of computer vision and deep learning, especially on the...

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Sung Whan Yooneong hwan has joined the School of ECE (EE Track) as of Mar.01, 2020. I am truly delighted to join School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of UNIST as a faculty member. My research interests are in the area of artificial intelligence, information/communication...

ATL’s paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations

  Journal title: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations Condition: Accepted Article title: Geometry-Independent Excitation of Dark Modes Using Dipole Moment Transitions Authors: Thi Hai-Yen Nguyen, Hoon Yeub Jeong, Young Chul Jun, and Gangil Byun Abstract This article proposes a novel approach to adaptive transitions between different dipole moments to allow...

VIP Lab’s paper accepted to CVPR 2020

UNIST ECE student, Kyu-Yul Lee and Prof. Jae-Young Sim’s paper has been accepted to CVPR 2020. Authors: Kyu-Yul Lee and Jae-Young Sim (corresponding author) Title: Warping Residual Based Image Stitching for Large Parallax Conference: 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Image stitching techniques align two...

ECE APIPEL’s paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Journal title: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2-yr IF: 7.224, 5-yr IF: 8.446, 5.47%, L1) Condition: Accepted Article title: Practical Design Methodology of IH and IPT Dual-Functional Apparatus Authors: Mina Kim, Hwa-Pyeong Park, and Jee-Hoon Jung* Abstract A domestic induction heating (IH) apparatus uses series resonance to transfer the electric energy...