2024. 08. 23 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: AI for Autonomous Driving) Date2024-10-30 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E204 SpeakerCho Youngeun(Hanyang Univ.)
2024. 08. 23 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Insect-scale Flying Robots Powered by Soft Actuators) Date2024-10-16 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E204 SpeakerSuhan Kim(MIT)
2024. 08. 23 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Ternary VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective) Date2024-10-02 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E204 SpeakerSunmean Kim(Kyungpook Univ.)
2024. 08. 23 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Technologies for Efficient Large Language Model Serving Systems: From Algorithms to Hardware Date2024-09-25 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E204 SpeakerYulhwa Kim(Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
2024. 08. 23 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Fast Battery Charging Technology from Integrated Circuits to Systems) Date2024-09-11 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E204 SpeakerKunhee Cho(Kyungpook Univ.)
2024. 08. 23 EE Graduate Seminar(Title:Course Introduction) Date2024-09-04 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E204 SpeakerHeein Yoon(UNIST)
2024. 05. 09 EE SEMINAR_5/21(TUE) 15:00 @104-E101 Date2024-05-21 (15:00 ~ 17:00) Location104동 E101호 SpeakerProf. Katherine A. Kim, Prof. Yu-Chen Liu
2024. 03. 21 * 글로벌 반도체 연구 트랜드 강연 안내(3.28 목 17:30) Date2024-03-28 (17:30 ~ 19:00) Location104동 E206호 SpeakerProf. H.-S. Philip Wong(Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford Univ.)
2024. 03. 05 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Sensory Neuromorphic System: Mimics the Tactile and Optic Nerves) Date2024-06-05 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E104 Speaker강동호(GIST)
2024. 03. 05 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Space Surveillance Radar Antenna System Research Trends and Design Analysis) Date2024-05-29 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E104 Speaker임태흥(KIT)
2024. 03. 05 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Power Electronics as an Enabler of DC grids) Date2024-05-22 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E104 Speaker이준희(UNIST)
2024. 03. 05 EE Graduate Seminar(Title: Embedded NVM Technology Trend and Prospect) Date2024-05-08 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location104-E104 Speaker이용규(Samsung)