

[UNIST Library] 2nd Special Lecture “How to Write a Research Paper”

연구논문 어떻게 써야할지 모르겠다면? 저널 리젝(reject)에 어떻게 대처해야할지 모르겠다면?

지금 바로 연구논문작성 특강에 참가해보세요! 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


The library will be holding a special lecture entitled “How to Write a Research Paper.”

You will be introduced to academic publishing and how to deal with rejection from journals.

If you’ve never written a research paper before,

or if you want to better your research paper writing skills, come and join our class!


■ 특강 주제


1) Introduction to Academic Publishing

2) Dealing with Journal Rejection

3) 학위논문 작성 및 제출 관련 안내 및 질의응답


4) 일시: 11.16.(금) 14:00~17:00

5) 장소: 학술정보관 104호

6) 참가신청 (정원: 100명): http://library.unist.ac.kr/ko/services/library_classes

※ Application can be made for up to 100 people on first come first served basis.