

Minimum-Time Motion Planning and Control for Multiple-Vehicles

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Motion planning and control algorithms for multiple nonholonomic vehicle systems are presented. The main problem to tackle is twofold: minimizing the travelling time of the slowest vehicle and designing a tracking controller for each vehicle such that the use of collision avoidance motions can be eluded. This work is motivated by the requirement of time planning accuracy in typical warehouses: the gap between planned travelling times must be as small as possible with the actual travelling times. For the planning algorithm, a series of path generation, velocity generation, and best trajectory searching is implemented. For path generation, Bezier curves as the basic path is utilized as the basic shape. In velocity generation, tangential and radial accelerations are considered as constraints. A particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is utilized for searching the best combination of trajectories. A control algorithm of each vehicle, given collision-free trajectories together with their respective travelling times, drives it to reach its respective reference’s neighborhood within a limited time. The algorithm accomplishes this by using an envelope function as the upper bound of the vehicle-to-reference distance. The future works of this research will be discussed.