

[ECE Colloquium] Prof. Jongho Lee (SNU) “Brain, neuroplasticity, and machine learning”

December 5, 2018 / 16:00 ~ 17:15   Speaker : Prof. Jongho Lee   Abstract   뇌는 1000억개의 뉴런과 100만 km의 뉴런간의 연결로 구성되어 있으며 몸무게의 2%정도를 차지하지만 신체 에너지의 20%를 사용하는 복잡하고 다이나믹한 조직이다. 본 세미나에서는 이와 같은 뇌의 기본적인 특성에 대해서 설명하고 뇌를…

Special Seminar: YeonJoo Jeong(Univ. of Michigan) “Bio-inspired neuromorphic computing using memristor crossbar networks”

  Abstract Bio-inspired neuromorphic computing systems built with emerging devices such as memristors have extensively reported experimental demonstrations at the network-level and attracted great interest as a promising candidate to overcome the von-Neumann bottleneck for the future computing applications. As a hardware system that offers…

ECE Colloquium: Kyoungsik Yu(KAIST) “Silicon-based optoelectronic devices for communication and sensing applications”

    Abstract Innovations in materials, fabrication, optical designs, and heterogeneous integration techniques offer exciting opportunities for silicon-based photonic/optoelectronic technologies to become a major convergence platform for a number of applications in communication and sensing. I will review our recent research activities in silicon-based integrated…