2023년 4단계 BK21사업 자체평가보고서Download
2022년 4단계 BK21사업 자체평가보고서Download
2021년 4단계 BK21사업 자체평가보고서Download
BK21 1차년도_NTIS 사업성과Download
BK21 FOUR 유니브레인_교육연구단_자체운영규정Download
BK21 혁신인재 양성사업(신산업분야)_사업신청서_UNIST EEDownload
This is a place to report fraudulent activities involving the Ultra-Low Power Intelligent Neuromorphic System Engineering Group’s execution of business expenses.
The information you provide will be treated with respect for the privacy of the person who provided it, and we will investigate it promptly and thoroughly before informing you of the results. Furthermore, please understand that any slander, defamation, or abstract personal claims made against others without any basis will not be accepted or processed by us.
Subject to report
Misconduct in the work performed by the personnel participating in the Education Research Center
How to report
Report by email (kdk07@unist.ac.kr) or by mail (No. 703-1, 106, 50, Unist-gil, Eonyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan Metropolitan City)
Report content
Research fund cheating
Conducting research, operating corruption, etc. -
Report handling procedure
① Receipt of report → ② Confirmation of report details and notification of investigation status → ③ Investigation → ④ Notification of results and follow-up actions